Sunday, June 25, 2017

Ne'ilah by Marge Piercy

The hinge of the year 
the great gates opening 
and then slowly slowly 
closing on us.

I always imagine those gates 
hanging over the ocean 
fiery over the stone grey 
waters of evening.

We cast what we must 
change about ourselves 
onto the waters flowing 
to the sea. The sins,

errors, bad habits, whatever 
you call them, dissolve. 
When I was little I cried 
out I! I! I! I want, I want.

Older, I feel less important, 
a worker bee in the hive 
of history, miles of hard 
labor to make my sweetness.

The gates are closing 
The light is failing
I kneel before what I love 
imploring that it may live.

So much breaks, wears 
down, fails in us. We must 
forgive our broken promises— 
their sharp shards in our hands.